Hayla Happy Egss

Quality, innovation and food safety.

The pursuit of excellence through innovative practices ensuring food safety. .

Live poultry ​

Living birds raised for consumption or production purposes.

Fresh Eggs

Recently laid eggs from poultry, available for culinary and consumption purposes.


A domesticated bird widely raised for meat and egg production.


Baby birds, typically domesticated poultry, in the early stages of development.

They are all organic

We take care of your health

Quality, innovation, and food safety form the pillars of a thriving and responsible food industry. By emphasizing these key aspects, businesses and organizations demonstrate their commitment to delivering superior products and services to consumers. Quality encompasses not only the taste and appearance of food but also its nutritional value and overall consistency

Live poultry
Blog articles
Satisfied customers
Reliable partners

Services for
the best clients


The best poultry

Living birds raised for consumption or production purposes


Chick quality

Baby birds, typically domesticated poultry, in the early stages of development


Pasteurized Egg

Recently laid eggs from poultry, available for culinary and consumption purposes.